The Stanford Healthcare Innovation Lab has launched a new hub, Stanford Pipeline, to unite healthcare entrepreneurs, researchers, clubs, incubators, accelerators, VCs, corporate partners, and startups at Stanford, UCSF, Berkeley, and the greater Bay Area.
Our Global Value Proposition
Stanford Pipeline has both active collaborations and on-going discussions for incubating local healthcare innovation hubs across the world.
Building sustainable internal healthcare innovation engines involves a multidirectional relationship, bridging healthcare knowledge and ensuring resources sharing between leading innovation hubs such as Silicon Valley and other geographic areas.
“The Stanford Pipeline Pitch Session has given me the opportunity to look at what we are doing from another angle. The feedback was not trivial and resulted in us completely reworking the deck from scratch [and]…all the pitches run much smoother now.”
“Stanford Pipeline was a major help in raising our latest round, especially during the investment market downturn. Pipeline's mentorship, advice, and introductions directly contributed to 24% of the funds in the round."
Past Events
Beyond Logos and Websites
EOS with Bart Lorang
Superpowers for Founders
About Us
Innovating in healthcare - a scattered and disjointed ecosystem - can be challenging. Our team is committed to accelerating the development of innovative health care technologies by supporting entrepreneurs through their entire innovation journey. Our goal is to create a healthcare industry 'pipeline' that aligns the collective interests of founders, funders, mentors, and partners to implement healthcare innovations and build health systems of the future. Stanford entrepreneurs have launched over 135 health tech start-ups with a total valuation of over $26 bn.
Join us to accelerate the development of innovative ideas poised to solve health care's most challenging problems